A family business and a Canadian flagship since 1972.

Tadoussac: the best whale watching site in the world!

 Zodiac excursion and whale coming out of the water

The village of Tadoussac is a dream destination for lovers of the marine world. Fauna and flora are particularly impressive: several rare species can be found there every year!

In this blog article, we present you the main reasons why Tadoussac is worldly known to be one of the most beautiful whale watching spots.


13 whale species can be seen!

After a migration of several thousands of miles, hundreds of whales of different species make the Saguenay-Saint-Lawrence Marine Park an annual destination. A veritable larder for whales, this place is unique as its underwater relief favours the presence of their preys. As a consequence, these giant mammals hunt there all summer long. It is common to observe up to 5 whale species during a sea tour!

Tadoussac is near urban areas

Tadoussac is 200 kilometres away from Québec City, making it an ideal destination for a weekend road trip! If you come from further away, this is the ideal occasion to visit the Old Capital during your trip, so take advantage of it!

The road to go there is beautiful

The road to go to Tadoussac is outstanding. From mountainous landscapes in Charlevoix to the wide-open spaces of the North Shore, you will have a great view. Between the river and the mountains, Tadoussac offers the most beautiful landscapes of the province of Québec.

The Alliance Éco-Baleine

The Alliance Éco-Baleine (Eco-Whale Alliance) is a voluntary initiative targeting the highest standards in eco-friendly practices for whale-watching tours. The Eco-Whale Alliance allows you to watch these beautiful marine mammals in the most respectful way possible, giving you peace of mind!

The assurance to see whales

The success of the sea observations matches 99 %: we are so confident that we offer a Whale Guarantee! Indeed, if you don’t see any whales on your tour, you can use your ticket to return on a whale watching cruise at a later date.

More than one way to watch these giants of the sea

From zodiac tours for adventurers looking for high sensations to boat tours for comfort amateurs, whales can be observed in several ways. You can also enjoy our offers with exclusive access to the upper deck and/or lounge VIP access to get the best view during your whale watching tour!

The majestic Saguenay Fjord

Carved out by the force of the glaciers several thousand years ago, the only fjord in the south of the Province of Québec can be found in the Saguenay River, and it is its depth that attracts the whales to its mouth on the river. This breathtaking place is to be visited at least once in a lifetime!

Warm welcome for tourists

People from Tadoussac are known for their warmth. By visiting their region, they will welcome you with open arms and you will leave under the spell, with a desire to settle there for good!

A variety of whale watching options

Whales are like us, they feed, rest, have fun and do what they have to do throughout the day. On our cruise, you will have the opportunity to observe them in a variety of activities which will make it easier to identify them. Seeing a whale’s tail is an indication that it is a humpback whale, and if they show their back, you are probably dealing with a rorqual or minke whale!

Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park - protected area and conservation site

A marine area covering more than 1,200 km2 in the St. Lawrence Estuary, the marine park oversees activities at sea in order to protect the many species that live there, including species at risk such as the beluga and the blue whale. Sea outings that respect biodiversity and marine mammals.

 Whale jumping

Feel free to browse our whale watching cruise offers for more information!

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