We are proud to be a family-owned business founded in Canada, sharing the St. Lawrence River experience with you since 1972.

Whale Watching in July Fog!

Back of a whale

A feast for your eyes!

You haven't visited Tadoussac and the Charlevoix region yet? Benefit from our extended cruise-excursion season and meet the giants of the sea in the best observation site in the world: the Saguenay-St. Lawrence Marine Park!

Plenty of whales can be found there! Passengers had front row seats to the best show that happened on July 28th and 29th 2020!

Groups of fin and humpback whales played around our boats for several minutes to the great pleasure of the cruise passengers!

Last week, our naturalist guides reported 25 minke whales, 80 beluga whales, 6 fin whales, 30 porpoises and 12 humpback whales.

Come see for yourself, book your cruise now!

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